October 1994
(This has been put together from a journal I made on this little trip of a lifetime.)

Thursday 13th October 1994
Got up at 6.30 after a poor sleep. Too nervous and excited. Washed, shaved and had breakfast. Children got up at 7.00 so changed Mairi’s nappy as usual. Alistair ran me to 8.00 train from Edinburgh Waverly to King’s Cross.
Seat had a terrible view because of window pillar and rather cramped. Still it only cost 29 pounds return. Train left 5 minutes late as late in arriving from Glagow Central. Booming voiced man in the seat in front of me kept up a geographical discussion of the route. A prat with a mobile phone got on after him. The train took the East Coast route.
Edinburgh —> Alnworth —> Newcastle —> Darlington —> York —> Doncaster —> Peterborough —> King’s Cross
Quiet man got on beside me at Newcastle, reading a Barbara Windsor book and marking parts of it. Had two snacks on the train.
Got into King’s Cross at 12:49 instead of 12:39. Malcolm and Angus were not there – they had gone to the wrong platform. I eventually found them when I went to the station toilet. We walked to the British Museum down Euston Rd, then Gower St and then onto Bloomsbury St. Saw Roman and Greek relics. A collection of old clocks with a fascinating escape mechanism was super. Saw the Elgin marbles and the Magna Carta. Possibly the most interesting was a display on Tyndale and his Bible. He never completed the whole Bible. His translation of John 1:1 is very interesting –
1526 Worms New Testament
“In the beginning was the Word, and that Word was with God, and God was that Word.” (first faithfully translated from the Greek original)
It was very tiring going round the museum. We walked back to King’s Cross Station via Woburn Place. I had a job to get cash but eventually got 30 pounds out of the Midland Branch across from St. Pancras Station. St. Pancras Station is beautiful. We collected Malcolm and Angus’s baggage at King’s Cross and noted the return time of my Saturday train. Train gets into Edinburgh 21:34 (or 21:46).
We got the tube back to Lancaster Gate changing at Oxford Circus. I got on the train at Oxford Circus and Malcolm and Angus got left behind. – a bit worrying ! They joined me within 5 minutes at Lancaster Gate. We found our way to the Dylan Hotel. The room is very nice though a bit threadbare but it does have atmosphere. We went to an Indian restaurant for tea. Had a Bunah curry + Indian ice cream – very nice but very pricey – 10 pounds. Bought some crisps in a shop and came back to the hotel. Phoned Anne. Sat in Malcolm’s room and watched telly. Came to my room at 9:35 for my supper. Wrote this and settled in at 10:20.
Alistair told me in the morning about the accident at the Pink Floyd concert. Told him not to tell Anne. She knew when I phoned her. I was relieved to see that tonights concert went ahead in the evening news.

Friday 14th October 1994
Dreadfull broken sleep due to traffic noise and then a baby above woke me at 5:45. Destined never to sleep. Got up and about at 7:00 to plan day. Showered and shaved at 7:30 and joined Malcolm at 8:00 for breakfast – bacon, eggs, tomato, orange juice, tea and toast. Nice wee room.
Left Hotel just after 9.00 and found my way to Hyde Park (photoed hotel). Passed fountains (photo) and followed Serpentine (photo) to bridge. Followed quiet road parallel to Kensington Rd. down to Hyde Park corner. Strong smell of horses all the way down. Had a right cafuffle to find my way through the underpasses to Constitution Hill (photo). Followed down to Buckingham Palace (photo). Then part of Mall and into St. James Park where I am now at 10:15 am. London is far more open than I thought. It is lovely. 10:30 and have now reached Trafalgar Sq. It is huge and it is lovely. I think the paving is Caithness flag. Nelson’s column is very high. Moved on up the Strand, bought an orange and a Twix. Went onto Lancaster Pl. and crossed Waterloo Bridge – the Thames is much wider than I expected. Then came up Belvedere Rd. and onto Wesminster Bridge. Bought a few post-cards and trinkets to take home. Took photoes of Houses of Parliament and Big Ben.
Went to Westminster station and took tube to Embankment after some confusion (my bad map reading). Changed to Northern Line and got tube to Euston and then changed to go to King’s Cross. Got more money out the bank. Also bought rolls and banana milk. Then got tube by Victoria Line to Oxford Circus and changed to Central Line and got tube back to Lancaster gate and came back to hotel about 12:30 for something to eat and to rest. Wrote this last bit at the hotel.
Got a tube to Nottinghill Gate (Central Line), then to South Kensington (Circle) and found my way to the Science Museum. Arrived at 1:50. Malcolm and Angus didn’t turn up till 2:20 and I was a bit apprehensive. The museum was excellent but vast. Highlights were the Apollo 10 capsule, the plane collection. Stayed there till 5:45. Then went to an Italian, and had spagetti bolognase which was very nice. Malcolm and Angus had sweets. I was too full.
Got the tube to Earls Court (District Line). Earls Court is vast. The queue took ages going in. Found our seats OK. They were high up but had a very good view. The concert was excellent. It started with “Wish You Were Here”. Did all of “Dark Side of the Moon” in the second half. To the words “the lunatic is in my head”, shots of Thatcher, Major, Reagan, Bush, Suddam Husein and Gerry Adams were shown. “One of these Days” from Meddle finished the first half,and was very powerful, we could feel the heat from the fire effects even back where we were. The lighting, lazers and effects (two pigs, sphere, aeroplane attack, and circular video screen) were all amazing. The concert started about 8.00 and finished at 10:45 with a ten minute interlude. What a mass of people came out – 15,000. They blocked the road and the police had to organise them. We waited a while and then got the tube to Nottinghill Gate (District) then to Lancaster Gate (Central). My day ticket was good value !
Got back to the hotel about 11:40. Came to my room after being in Angus’s a few minutes. Had coffee with no milk (yugh) a roll and some chocolate. Wrote this and went to bed at 12:15.

Saturday 15th October 1994
Woke up at 5:35 but at least my sleep was all in one go. Started moving at 7:00 trying to plan my day. Shaved and showered at 7:30. Joined Malcolm for breakfast at 8:00. Angus still asleep and joined us later. Didn’t have the tomato this morning. The proprietor took a photo for us. He is a very pleasant little Indian, very dapper. Payed my bill, and he was nice enough to let me off with my check card. Went back to Malcolm’s room to fix plans for the day.
We got the tube to Oxford Circus (Central) and then changed and got tube to Charring Cross (Bakerloo). This takes you right out on Trafalgar Square. We went to the National Gallery which was much more enjoyable than I expected. Van Goch, Picasso, Turner, Raphael, Michaelangelo. Its amazing to see pictures so old and in such amazing condition. The building, too, has atmosphere.
We split up for lunch. I bought Coke, crisps and a Yorki at a shop on the Strand. Ate it sitting in Trafalgar Square. Had arranged to meet Malcolm and Angus at 12:45. They were quarter of an hour late.
Got a tube to Embankment (Bakerloo), and then to Tower Hill (Central). Took a photo of the Tower and then said goodbye to Malcolm and Angus. They went round the tower. Crossed Tower Bridge (photo) and walked down by the Thames to London Bridge. The Tower and Tower Bridge are very impressive. Passed H.M.S. Belfast. Crossed London Bridge and walked to St. Pauls Cathedral via Cannon St. Have to pay to get into St. Pauls, so just got in the entrance, but saw enough to impress. It’s a disgrace to pay to get into a church. There are shops inside. Jesus drove the money changers and sellers out the temple. So sat outside in the sun.
Got tube from St. Pauls to Holborn (Central). Went back to British Museum and called in at a toy shop to get things for the boys and Mairi. Went to the museum to waste time. Copied bit more of Tyndale and Bible stuff.
Geneva Bible 1650: In the beginning was the Worde, and the Worde was with God, and that Worde was God.
1534 Tyndal (Anne Boleyn’s): In the beginning was the Word & the Word was with God: & the Word was God. Then headed back to Holborn Station and got a wee box for Anne on the way. Got tube to King’s Cross (Picadilly). Got an Apple on Euston Rd. Got onto train early at 4:15. Train left late but caught up by Newcastle. Into Edinburgh on time where Alistair was waiting for me.
Train route – King’s Cross —> Peterborough —> Doncaster York —> Darlington —> Durham —> Newcastle —> Dunbar Edinburgh Waverly.