A scooter run to Helmsdale. (99 miles)
This was not the run I expected. I meant to go to Fort Augustus. Last night the forecast was great for there, but this morning it was for rain. I remember last year! The forecast for the north was good so I thought Glen Loth! That didn’t quite work out either.
I did my day’s teaching and came home. I had something to eat, checked the scooter and headed to Morrsisons for petrol. I headed to Invergordon, then Barbarville, Kildary and cut up to Tain towards the Scotsburn road. This is the beautiful resored mill at Glenaldie, before Tain.

Then stopped on the south side of the Dornoch bridge. My old Blackberry phone doesn’t take such good photos.

I headed north through Golspie and Brora towards Helmsdale looking forward to the run over Glen Loth. This is what I found.

At first I had a wee debate in my head. Will I just chance it? I can push the scooter round obstructions. But the coward in me won. Also I’m not 100% health-wise. A bit depressed I pulled into a lay-by a wee bit beyond to eat my tea. Not the quiet spot I had in mind.

Well this would cheer you up – two pork pies, a packet of crisps, a LIDL apple turnover and some LIDL white chocolate. All washed down with Banana Yazoo.

A wee bit of drizzle passed over. It didn’t last long.

And then went to the harbour at Helmsdale. Helmsdale is a nice place.

It was then about turn and head south. Just a wee bit outside Helmsdale I stopped to take pictures of Spring. The primroses are late. Primroses, daffodils and the whins in bloom are a sure sign we are through winter at last. It’s been a long one.

Then it was down to Golspie where I stopped on Fountain Road for the public loo. The street of my birth!

The house of my birth! My sister Liz and brother Bill were born here as well. My other brother, Roddy, was born in Knockbain. You can see the monument to the Duke of Sutherland on Ben Bhraggie. That is one of my earliest memories. I also remember watching the steam trains on the Highland line from the green at the back of the manse.

I went on south to near Dornoch and stopped to take a picture of the wee FP Church at Evelix. It’s a lovely wee church. I have a great respect for the FPs. They are a lot more honest than us in the Free Church though we are great for judging them. I wish this wee congregation God’s blessing.

It was then down to the Dornoch bridge and a right turn at the round-about for Edderton. At Edderton I went left and up to Aultnamain. I stopped to take a few pictures before Aultnamain. The light is going.

It was a nice run but not what I wanted to do. But its always good to scoot!