Alexander McIntosh

Ann McIntosh

Ann McIntsoh with Isobel Flora (MacDonald) wife of John McIntosh.
I presume the children are Donald MacDonald McIntosh who died young and Alexander (Tosh) McIntosh.

This group photo shows John McIntosh on the right. I presume the curling took place in Edinburgh.

John McIntosh with his wife Isobel Flora MacDonald.

This is outside the front door of Newhall Mains, now Burnside.
The two men with the guns are
Roderick and Hector McIntosh
The children taking a great interest at the back are
Elizabeth Annie McIntosh (my granny), Alexander McIntosh (my granduncle who inherited the farm) (children of Roderick McIntosh), Hector Grigor (son of Kenneth Grigor and Ann McIntosh) and John (Ian) McIntosh (son of John McIntosh).

The scan of the next photo was sent to me by my distant Canadian cousin, Don McIntosh. I have a version of it but it is not as good as this one.

Hector McIntosh, Alexander McIntosh (Uncle Sandy), Johan Grigor (Joey), John McIntosh, and William McIntosh
Ann Grigor (ne McIntosh), Ann McIntosh, Kenneth Grigor, and Roderick McIntosh
Hector Grigor, Alexander and Elizabeth McIntosh and Ian McIntosh
Joey died 7.7.1980 aged 90
K. Grigor died 20.6.1941 aged 87
Ann Grigor died 6.12.1932 aged 78
Ian McIntosh died 30.1.1969
Hector Grigor died 21.6.1919 aged 23
John’s son Ian McIntosh emigrated to Newzealand