second back – Morag Bruce, Rhona Wilson, Susan Ross, Laura Jackson, Vivien Day, Moira MacRorie, June Lawn, Fiona Sibald, Anne Macleod, Alison Jack, Agnes Sinclair
second front – Norman Ward, Derick Currie, Colin Shaw, sorry (?), Frances Fagg, Sandra Somerville, sorry (?), Linda Cairns, Carol Savage, Alan Grey, Peter Fotheringham, Alan Taylor, Douglas Paterson
front row – Norman Hutchison, Lindsay Ferguson, Hugh Ferrier (me), Barry Ferguson, George Ross, Raymond Edgar, Norman Ross, Kevan Paterson, Craig Taylor
I’m sorry about the names I’ve forgotten. If you can correct mistakes, or supply names that are missing please e-mail me mail@hferrier.co.uk, I’d love to hear from you anyway.
What strikes me, now as a teacher, is the size of the class. It’s huge. This is just not allowed now ! Do you like my braces to hold up the short trousers – kind of clashes on the front row !
Martin Cameron is my cousin and we are, of course, still in touch. He left Broomhill to go to Wick.
Hengist is another Chemistry teacher up here in the Highlands. It was super to meet up with him again after so many years.
Susan, I have been in touch with on and off over the years – she married an absolutely super bloke, who very sadly has passed away.
Anne I last met at Martin’s wedding.
Martin, Susan, Anne and myself were all Free Church minister’s children ! Most unusual to have four in one class.
Our last teacher was Miss Alan and it was Miss Hughes before that. I didn’t have any others, except for handwork – Miss Dand. There was a headmistress at first – Miss Pate and then a headmaster – Mr Grant.
Great memories are of being bussed to the museum. We were taken somewhere underground where we got super lectures. Then we were released to draw. We also got bussed to the swimming baths – that was enjoyable. We once put on a school concert. Having been at some that my own children have been involved in, it must have been horrific. We thought we were stars. I was in the recorder group for it. I think we gave a rendering of Poly Woly Doodle, which is a ghastly song at the best of times. What a horrible instruement a recorder is.