A walk from Burghead to Roseisle (5.4 miles).
Anne, Mairi and myself ‘escaped’ for the day.
We picked up Mairi at 8.45 and went to Inverness to purchase one or two Christmas presents. Then we went to our favourite – Mackenzie & Cruickshank in Forres for one of their superb scones and I had a glass of milk with mine. We then drove to Burghead and parked by the war memorial by the primary school and parish church. We went down to the harbour and then headed to Roseisle. We were finding it difficult to find the start of the track when a nice lady came out of her house and put us right. She said a lot of walkers got mixed up at this point. So we headed through the caravan site and got onto the ‘Burma Road’ built by prisoners of war. We followed this through the wood to Roseisle.

At Roseisle we cut down onto the beach. We had our lunch sitting on the top of a sand-dune. It was an amazing day weather-wise. These concrete blocks are coastal defence blocks. They were put there during world war II to prevent tanks from landing.

The mountain in the middle here is Morven way up in Caithness.

After our lunch we walked back to Burghead via the beach. A lovely walk.
We went to Hopeman in the car to use the public toilet and then back to Nairn and Inverness for Anne and Mairi to do more Christmas shopping. We went to Mairi’s house and spent the evening with her.